Online Furniture Pakistan At Furniturehub.Pk | About US

Online Furniture Pakistan At Furniturehub.Pk | About US

Passion Brings Creativity & Art Together To Exbit The Designs Exist In Each Of Us

September 2013, a year when two artisans put heads together to open an online platform for the vendors who lack opportunities but had a great skill set in crafting furniture. Basically, it all started with the idea to sell online furniture in Pakistan, presenting enriched country culture. Although we didn’t start with the formal workshop, we considered vendor’s workshops as part of the furniturehub. pk.

Furniturehub.PK Journey In Displaying Online Furniture Pakistan

Zaid Iqbal and Zeeshan both joined hands together as the business partner with the strong initiative in mind in 2013. Besides moving through thick and thin, they showed determination in developing and designing an online furniture studio. Thus, the hard work and strong vision motivated most of the vendors to exhibit and work for Furniturehub. pk. Other than that, they both expanded their team and hired talented staff members to promote exclusive and igniting furniture designs.

Though it was a challenging journey, they both cope up really well and receive all praises in a short time span. The trend of online shopping in Pakistan is progressing day by day. These brands become a voice for the vendors who couldn’t get a chance to expose their hidden talents. Not just we brought versatility in the furniture designs but we also empower local vendors economically. Today, Furniturehub is standing among the top craftsmen of furniture that present Pakistani culture through contemporary designs.

From Antique Carpentries To The Modern Artistry In Furniture

Carpentry is an art that embodies a thought-provoking concept of picking one ordinary piece of wood and turning it into a subtle beauty. Meanwhile recognizing this thought as the main virtue, we started creating exceptional designs in furniture. Each year, we fill online furniture Pakistan variety inside our inventory that consumers look forward to buying for a long time. We distinguish ourselves from the other brands on the basis of modern designs that are pocket-friendly.

Furniturehub.Pk Values

Furniturehub has value-producing quality products for many years and wanted to introduce versatile designs in the future. Harnessing the skillset of the craftsmen has always been a center of attention for us. Therefore, we have been investing a lot of energy in achieving such objectives. Moreover, we always aim for providing the sight of convenience to the consumers in the form of designing classic furniture artistries.

Online Furniture Pakistan Unique Woodwork

Ethically, Furniturehub believes in inputting great effort into presenting designs that are unique and self-made created. Exclusively, we take inspiration from different cultures around us and come with artwork that meets up the home needs. Other than that, we gain the trust of our admirers by continuing to provide environmental sustainability features in the products. Each year, we stand proudly running a campaign of growing trees to make sure that our environment doesn’t get affected due to the enormous activities. Also, we have been following the pattern of reducing chemical usage and taking several precautions to save the environment.